
Angels on the Mountain

While moving out West, earlier this year driving across country on interstate 70, I found myself in a bit of a pickle. We visited friends in Denver, Colorado for a few days and learned of a storm moving in. We made the decision to leave before the storm came in, knowing we had to go through the Eisenhower Tunned which resides at 11,158 feet above sea level. That part of interstate 70 is notorious for bad driving conditions in early spring.

It was a beautiful morning in Denver, sunny and warm as we headed out. Leaving early enough to be ahead of the storm, hoping to cross the rockies by early afternoon. Watching the road condition signs as we made our assent up the grade. No waring signs of any possible problems were posted. Just as we reached to top, the road department pulled people over checking for proper equipment. We had new tires and 4-wheel drive, they motioned us through.

We noticed more snow off the side of the road, but nothing unusual for that elevation and middle of March. Driving through the mile and three-quarter stretch on luminous tunnel, unaware of the conditions on the other side, our happy adventure was quickly becoming a potential tragedy. As we drew closer to the exit, I could see the road was not as clear as it had been on the eastern side. I slowed down to a cautious speed.

Immediately upon exiting the tunnel the road was snow caked and it was difficult to slow down in the steep decline.My heart started racing, but more than than the nerves that was coursing through my body was a praise song. I kept singing in my heart, "Oh oh praise Him, Oh oh praise Him, He is worthy my King!" a verse from a song from Easter worship.

I gripped to wheel tight and said a quick prayer for protection as my brakes didn't seem to slow us down. Seeing stopped traffic up ahead, the song played louder in my heart and I kept my focus on the Lord. The brakes finally grabbed and we were able to stop a few feet behind the stopped traffic.

Off to my right, I heard the howling of a big rig's brakes. Just as I looked, this big truck was trying to stop but was jack knifing across the road. It was a horrible sight and heading towards all the stopped traffic.I quickly said another prayer for protection and just at that moment-the driver got control of his rig.

It was still a harrowing experience for another few miles down that mountain, people passing us faster than was safe, spraying us with heavy melting snow. One time my wipers couldn't keep the windshield clear from the slush.But I kept praising God that he sent His angels to protect all of us on the mountain that morning. Not one accident happened while our group headed down, but later I heard that a big pile up happened near the area we had been on the eastern slope earlier that day.

I knew the Lord was there and kept us safe along our journey to a new home.

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